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Samoa News Editorial: The Gong Show II

Five minutes of your time… your life — let's vent — It's been a hell of a week. GONG!


Last week, while sitting in the traffic on Friday, waiting for the workers' Labor Day celebration at the Veterans Memorial Stadium to kick off, I was wondering if the McConnell Dowel participation in the parade was because they couldn't get their trucks out anyway — so what the heck — let's do a parade.


But really, the traffic jam was so bad, and the police officers directing the traffic caused more of a jam than an ease… Gong!


And talking about jam: How much do you think was in that envelope given to the House Speaker to commemorate his being the 'longest serving' elected Fono member?


I'm only asking because quite frankly whenever I take a look at those Fono ledgers we reported about in May this year, I point my finger at the Fono leaders for the over runs.


I can only surmise the envelope contained "Food for Human Consumption" money. GONG!


There isn't a government employee that doesn't want to renegotiate their salary after hearing about Dr. Aloimoa R. Anesi wanting to do just that with his $93,000. Apparently, as the longest serving doctor at LBJ, his experience and the use of his pin number to bill Medicare — he believes he's worth every bit of his original $129,000 salary.


Maybe… however, there's not a single person in the territory that doesn't understand there's a financial crisis going on at the LBJ Medical Center. In fact, the latest financial audit of the ASG points to LBJ as the reason the government was $10Million in the red for FY 2012, instead of a mere $7Million. GONG!


Well, the governor's appointments for Director of Youth & Women and the Territorial Energy Office were rejected by the Senate yesterday in a vote so casual that one would think they must have had a breakfast over steak & eggs, and jokingly said, "49ers should win the Super Bowl this year, let's give them our support by commemorating them in our votes — that's surely worth a teutusi!"


Rumor has it that neither director-appointee was notified of the possible vote — they found out when people called their offices to say, "Talofae".




Then there's the ASG budget comparison sheet I saw listing Director's Salaries for the years 2013 and 2014 (increase/ decrease). Some I understand— for example the over worked head of the Public Defender's Office gets an increase of $9,600. But then there's the director of the Department of Agriculture — he's going to get an increase of $7,000 and well… exactly what does the DoA do?


Let’s see… there’s no subsidy for farmers, they closed down the Vet clinic, and… well… does anyone know?


There's also a $5,000 increase for the Property Management director, who manages R&M for ASG housing, which is reportedly ineffective because it doesn't have enough funds to do the R&M work its mandated to do. GONG!


The list also notes employee increases and decreases — with the shocker — the Fono shows a decrease of 29 employees for FY 2014, the largest decrease of all on the list.


I can't help but wonder if that's the result of the 'payment by voucher' scheme that's been stopped? GONG!


Keep those GONG SHOW ideas coming.  We may yet win an Emmy… or at least a Lapisi Award.


This editorial is sponsored by the not for profit group "Cats are people too. Meow"