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The American Samoa EPA represented ASG at the 29th Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) meeting, as well as the ceremony to officially open the Pacific Climate Change Center (PCCC), in Samoa last week. Pictured are AS-EPA deputy director William Sili; Finance and...
O se va’aiga i le taimi na tula’i ai le tamaita’i o Roberta Laumoli ina ia faia lana fa’afetai fa’apitoa ia i latou uma na sapaia lona faamoemoe ma foa’i mo lana malaga e fa’alauiloa ana la’ei ua mae’a saunia lelei i sikaili ma mamanu fa’asamoa lea o le a fa’aalia i Lonetona. [ata: foa’i]
During Educators Night, hosted last week by the ASCC Teacher Education Department, participating teachers formed groups of 10-12 and spent 15 minutes visiting each of seven stations set up throughout the room where they would hear brief presentations on a separate aspect, approach to, or method of...
Taimua mai le laina o le solo fa’aaloalo a le aufaigaluega uma a le malo ina ua pasi le vasega o leoleo, o le Matagaluega o A’oga ma le latou ta’ita’i le fa’atonusili Dr Ruth Matagi Tofiga. [ata: Gov’s Office]
O se va’aiga i le vaega laiti o i latou na fa’atinoa le Laumei ma le Malie. O i latou nei sa a’oa’oina fa’apitoa e le Pacific Islands Production ma sa faia le latou fa’atinoga lea o le Laumei ma le Malie i le ASCC MPC i le aso To’ona’i na te’a nei. [ata: foa’i]
Employees of the American Samoa TeleCommunications Authority (ASTCA) at last week’s 2019 ASG Workforce Day, hosted at the Fagatogo Pavilion. [photo: courtesy]
Samoan female volleyball players currently enrolled at Eastern New Mexico University, Home of the Greyhounds. [l-r back row]: #5 Rae Sapiga (setter, 5’7”); #11 Sarah Tuioti-Mariner (outside/opposite side hitter, 5’10”); and #7 Adriana Puni (outside/opposite side hitter, 5’9”) [l-r front] #19 Fofoga...
One of the three government projects dedicated Thursday morning was the Jean P. Haydon Museum, which is undergoing renovations to the existing building and now also has a brand new extension. The new building extension — which took two years to complete — was constructed by the Dept. of Public...
ASG Shipyard Service Authority chief executive officer, Moefa’auo Bill Emmsley (4th from left ) pictured with the shipyard crew, in front of the Fagatogo Pavilion yesterday morning. The Shipyard staff manufactured and produced the two new fl ag poles — and also installed them — in front of the...
Primo Builders Girls Volleyball Team, who have been the reigning champions for three consecutive years, now defending its title this season during the Filipino Volleyball Sports League. They won their first game this past Sunday against Team Pacific Girls. [photo: courtesy]