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American Samoa rugby teams at their ‘wheelbarrow’ fundraiser
Some members of the American Samoa men’s and women’s rugby teams as their ‘wheelbarrow’ fundraiser — which started from the east side, and headed into town — passed through Fagatogo last Friday afternoon. The event was to raise money to help send the local national rugby teams to the XVI Pacific...
Historical archive photo of Samoan dancers
Oceanside, CA — The Samoan Cultural Celebration returns to Oceanside with a week of activities and events from June 30 to July 6. The Celebration begins with the opening Samoan Church Choir Service at the Melba Bishop Recreation Center on Sunday, June 30, from 3 to 5pm, followed by various youth...
Stephano Afoa and Iosefa Mulivanu
DAY 2 ON THE JOB. Stephano Afoa of Iliili and Iosefa Mulivanu of Vaitogi waiting for the doors to open at ASPA, where they are employed for the next two months.  Stephano and Iosefa are 2 of the more than 30 high school and ASCC students who are employed at ASPA, as part of the American Samoa...
Team Ottoville
O se va'aiga lea i le 'au malosi a taulele'a Ekalesia o Iesu Kerisiso o le au Paia o Aso e Gataai i Ottoville ua manumalo i le latou liki na fa'asolo a le Pago Central Stake. [ata: foa'i]
Tualauta faipule, Rep. Samuel Ioka Ale Meleisea with Lupelele students
Tualauta faipule, Rep. Samuel Ioka Ale Meleisea, accepted an invitation from Lupelele Elementary School’s Extended School Year (ESY) Special Education (SPED) Summer Program, to be their guest for the Read Aloud segment. According to Anamarie Vai, the Read Aloud program coordinator, “The children...
Photo of field conditions at Veterans Memorial Stadium
The poor conditions of the field at Veterans Memorial Stadium is only one of many challenges being faced by local athletes, currently training for the upcoming Pacific Games in Apia, Samoa. Funding for the trip is another challenge.  Read in Sports section how local rugby teams are scrambling to...
Erica Fonoti
Newly crowned Miss Netball 2019- 2020 is Erica Fonoti, who represented Team Marist at last week’s American Samoa Netball Association (ASNA) Night of Queens pageant at the Fatuoaiga Hall. [photo: courtesy]
JPS 17U Measina Girls Volleyball Team
The JPS 17U Measina Girls Volleyball Team won the 2019 JPS Friendship Tournament Award at the USAV Aloha Summer Volleyball Classic which was held at the Hawaii Convention Center, June 14-16. [courtesy photo]
Burg Salanoa
Burg Salanoa o le Matagaluega o Fefa'ataua'iga, sa malaga ina ia a'otauina i le kosi ELDP (Executive Leadership Development Program) i Hawaii, lea ua mae'a lea kosi ma ua pasia e ia lea fo'i a'oa'oga taua.  The other American Samoa degelgates are Katrina Hunkin-Seumanuta and Crystal Elizabeth...
Members of the UH Cohort 32 & 33
O le vasega fa'au'u lea a le UH Cohort 32 & 33 lea na faia le latou fa'au'uga i le DYWA i le afiafi o le aso Gafua o le vaiaso nei, ma e to'a 21 i latou ua fa'amau fa'ailogaina nei i BEd ma BSPed. (Tala tusia i le Tala Vaifanua i lenei lomiga) [ata: Leua Aiono Frost]
