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Fort Lee Virginia
Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata was delighted to meet up with many troops from American Samoa in her first stop Wednesday at Fort Lee in Virginia, before continuing to other major military installations in several states along the U.S. East Coast, with reports on those visits and...
Fort Lee, VIRGINIA — Va’aiga i nisi o Toa Samoa o lo’o tiute nei i Fort Lee, Virginia ma ua latou fa’ailoa maia se isi vaega o le latou fa’amanatuga o le Aso o le Sisigafu’a a Amerika Samoa sa latou faia i le nofoaga o latou fa’amautu i ai i tiute ma faiva fa’afitafita a le Malo Tele.
Fa’afetai ua...
Congratulations to Samoa News Graphic/ Layout Artist Esther Posala and Miss Alexandria Tuiasosopo for graduating from their Advanced Individual Training as Military Occupational Specialists (MOS) 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist at Fort Lee, Virginia. PVT Posala is the daughter of Rosalia and Iava...