What it takes to be an elite athlete — from American Samoa
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 10:15am
Sources: Rachel Douglas via Monica Afalava
Tokyo, JAPAN — Not many people know what it takes to be an elite athlete, especially one that is homegrown in American Samoa.
We are all immensely proud of Tilali Scanlan for beating her Personal Best time in the 100m Breaststroke in the biggest pool in the world - THE OLYMPICS!! Her seat time was 1:14, she was aiming for 1:11, and she clocked in at 1:10!
That’s what these games are about… representing our nation on the grandest platform by being the best you, around the best in the world.
No one could have represented our nation in this sport, here in Tokyo, better than you did. AMAZING IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. Don’t stop here, my girl. I see another Olympic quad in you!
P.S. Pacific Games is less than 2yrs away.