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car crash

fatu ma futi car crash
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — A car flipped over yesterday in Fatu-ma-Futi, going west before noontime. The crash backed up traffic going both ways on the highway for at least an hour. There is no official statement from the Department of Public Safety, but people on social media are saying that the...
New barrier posts installed in front of StarKist
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — It was after the horrific car crash that killed 4 cannery workers on the early morning of Dec. 19, 2021 that the StarKist Samoa management began to consider ways to protect its employees from future dangers from the road — especially involving vehicles careening of the...
vehicle upside down in the sami
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — A woman was taken to the LBJ Medical Hospital last Sunday afternoon after a vehicle ran off the road at a curve in Lauli’i. Other photos of the incident showed EMS crews in the water with the driver strapped to a board as they were bringing him to shore in waist deep...
Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Dr. Sa'ilele Malielegaoi
Apia, SAMOA — A 35-year-old Samoan seasonal worker has been charged after a car crash that led to the death of one of his compatriots.  The man, whose name has not been released to the media, has been charged with "careless or inconsiderate vehicle operation causing death", the New Zealand Police...
The vehicle in which the pregnant Samoa woman was riding.
Papatoetoe Auckland, NEW ZEALAND — A crash on Papatoetoe’s Kolmar Rd involving three vehicles has left a Samoan couple expecting their first child in hospital with injuries. The crash left two cars badly damaged and it’s passengers transferred to Middlemore hospital, while the third vehicle is said...