Loreta Mapu Atonio, Nellie Stowers, and Daniella Aina
The American Samoa Department of Education held a ceremony yesterday to honor three educators who received the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). This award is the nation's highest honor for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teachers. The recipients are Loreta Mapu Atonio, Nellie Stowers, and Daniella Aina. [courtesy photo]
Miss American Samoa comes home
The people of American Samoa stand proud of Miss American Samoa, Pauliana Angel Felise Vitale and the remarkable MASI team for the hard work and commitment throughout the Miss Pacific Islands pageant. Your grace and poise not only reflect the spirit of our culture but also inspire many. Read today’s Guest Editorial about Pasifika beauty pageants. [courtesy photo]
THS seniors signing day
Congratulations to these 10 amazing Tafuna High School senior student-athletes on their signing day last week.  From Left to Right: Jay Asalele-Poti, Jamal Fono, Teariki Fo'a, Pita Malae, Hanisi To'afa, Samson Leasiolagi, Kanai Satele, Sanerivi Fuimaono, Moses Katina, and Prince Faaulusau. [courtesy photo]
2025 Project Saolotoga wheelchair distribution and pick-up day
This past Saturday at OMV/DYWA, during the 2025 Project Saolotoga wheelchair distribution and pick-up day, it was an honor to welcome the amazing American Wheelchair Mission board members and generous donors who make this initiative possible, which included President Chris Lewis, Dan Danielson & Kristi Danielson, Joe & Lara Donaldson, and Troy. To everyone who lent a helping hand or supported this mission in any way, thank you for making a difference [courtesy photo]

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Kenneth Kuaea
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Acting Chief Procurement Officer Kenneth Kuaea's involvement in a company called Klaod Solutions Inc., put him in a difficult position when he appeared before the Senate Government Operations Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025. Kloud Solutions, owned by Kenneth and his wife Luisa Kuaea, was one of seven companies that submitted bids in 2021 for the American Samoa...

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Kenneth Kuaea
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Acting Chief Procurement Officer Kenneth Kuaea's involvement in a company called Klaod Solutions Inc., put him in a difficult position when he appeared before the Senate Government Operations Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025. Kloud Solutions, owned by Kenneth and...
February 14, 2025

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  • Pago Pago - AMERIKA SAMOADONALD KRUSESa faatumulia le Maota o le Senate i le taeao o le aso Lua na se’i mavae atu, i aiga, uo ma le aufaigaluega a le Ofisa o Tupe, sa faapea ona auai atu i le...
  • Pago Pago - AMERIKA SAMOAO le vaiaso ua mavae, sa pasia ai e le Senate ia sui filifilia a le Afioga i le kovana, e avea ma Faatonusili fou o le Ofisa a le OPAD (Protection and Advocacy for the...
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  • February 13, 2025
    The latest Miss Pacific Islands Pageant controversy in the Solomon Islands shows our love-hate relationship with this annual spectacle.I’m reminded of the words of former Miss Samoa and Miss...
  • February 7, 2025
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  • February 3, 2025
    Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — For nearly a century, Swains Island has been a part of American Samoa, yet its delegate in the Fono had always remained a non-voting representative. That changed in...
