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Faipule Suʻa Alex Jennings

Suʻa Alex Jennings
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The Swains Island representative (faipule) is frustrated and angry with not being able to currently vote in the confirmation of directors of the new administration that is the focus of both current Senate and House sessions. Confirmation hearings began in both chambers...
Faipule Suʻa Alex Jennings from the back being bypassed by house clerk
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Despite an amendment passed in 2022 by the voters of American Sāmoa to allow the Swains Island constituency to vote in the House, Faipule Suʻa Alex Jennings has still not been able to vote in the recent confirmation hearings of Governor Pulaali’i Nikolao Pula’s cabinet...