Cool Stuff: Chance Customs’ Francis Sua
Honolulu, HAWAII — On land handed to Kalehua (passed on to descendants the Harry Piltz Family) from King Kamehameha, Francis Sua runs Chance Customs (435 Kamakee St, Honolulu, 808 847-2100) to keep you running at a fair price.
A graduate of Marist, American Samoa, Chance has roots in Savaii and is probably related to half your cousins on both sides of your family.
Francis is amazing in that he has a fantastic reputation for custom work (raising/lowering your pride and joy cool car), and fair prices for taking care your Hawaii family’s soccer mom van.
It is so comforting, that on a Samoa News used car kine salary, that Cool Stuff has a trusted genius mechanic option in Sua. The previous option?.. .the junkyard!
Francis might be a prudent hire to review the condition of a vehicle approved to be shipped to the Territory. Special shocks and suspension tweaks might be important for a soon to be ma’omaga truck. Francis knows Vatia, Malaeloa, and the backside of your villages bush... he is the go to guy.