Cool Stuff: Jazz Tourism could be big draw for American Samoa
Tokyo, JAPAN — Japan has a vibrant jazz scene as evidenced by its live club performances, nonstop background play in malls, and in the Aeon neighborhood market chain. China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan also embrace jazz.
Now that the 2Samoas Samoana Jazz and Arts Festival is recognized by the American Samoa Visitors Bureau as well as major sponsors PPTC and McDonald’s American Samoa, and others — maybe a new niche of Tokyo and Asian jazz tourists could be drawn to the Territory... hotels, restaurants, shops, and island tours.
The 2Samoa’s jazz festival could be a magic link, as in the future, Asian airfares could be less expensive through Apia. Creative airline arrangements are being regularly reviewed in Samoa.
A jazz tour might be a good motivation on some new Asian routes — giving our markets — the 2Samoas — another fantastic destination.
La’auli Matt Moody Catingub could be viewed as having a defacto Master’s Degree in knowing the Asian visitor jazz scene... he could be the key in kick starting the event as a huge international success. Taking it into the Pacific Islands!
(Editor’s Note, see our Samoa News, Cool Stuff from 2 years ago ago: