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4th of July banner

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — In honor of the signing of the U.S Declaration of Independence, Thursday, July 4th IS observed as a holiday in American Samoa.  All government offices are closed and normal activities are suspended for the day.

Governor Lemanu P.S Mauga said in a release issued earlier, “July 4th holds immense significance as a time when we come together to celebrate the birth of our great Nation and the principles upon which it was founded.

“I encourage you all to take time to reflect on the course and sacrifices of our forefathers, who fought for the liberties we now enjoy.”

Highlighting this special day is Bluesky’s Fautasi Race — with $10,000 to the winner, $8,000 to 2nd place, $6,000 to the 3rd place, with all 4th place and on down receiving $4,000 each.

To date, there are reportedly 9 fautasi participating — including the winner of the 2024 American Samoa Flag Day Fautasi Regatta, the Manulele Tausala “Lowrider”. Others completing the line up are: the Aeto, the Lupelele, the Manulele Tausala II, the Iseula o le Moana, the Matasaua, the Paepaeulupoo, the Fealofani Samoa and the Fuao.

Starting time is slated for 7:30 am and will be a 3-mile long race. Depending on weather conditions there may be changes, i.e. shorter race or later starting time.

Hoping for that dream of a ‘perfect start’ — the start of the race is to be signaled from the race’s committee boat, by a red flag switching to a green flag. At the same time, a horn will be sounded via VHF radios that each fautasi captain will have on hand.

Bluesky’s Fautasi Race Committee members are Bluesky CEO Justin Tuiasosopo, Harbor Master Puamavae Ah-Mai, and President of American Samoa Rowing Association Louis Solaita. The committee is assisted by Port Administration, NOAA Weather station, Marine Patrol, DMWR, and Tim Teleso.

The Bluesky Communications Fautasi Race is part of the company’s 25 anniversary in the Territory.

July 4th is a one day holiday, with people returning to work on Friday, July 5th.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday American Samoa.