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Killeen Church Celebrates International Sabbath

Source: KDHN News

Kileen, TEXAS — Church members of the Killeen Seventh-day Adventist Church — of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists — carry the flag of American Samoa to the front of the sanctuary during the International Sabbath Celebration on Saturday.

 Dozens dressed in native garbs of their respective nations Saturday, July 29, 2023, as the Killeen Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrated the diversity and culture among its membership during its annual International Sabbath Celebration.

Beginning with a parade of nations, members carried the flag of their native land to the front — 31 flags in total.

Mike Fortune, the senior pastor of the church, explained after the service why it is important to celebrate the diversity of the church.

“God didn’t create cookie-cutter Christians,” he said. “He created diversity — ever since the very beginning of the Bible. So, when at the end of the Bible, he celebrates every tribe, nation, language and people, the church should reflect that.

“When we do that and remember our creator, it brings not only joy, but all these diverse gifts — those are the things that people bring.”

Following the church service, members and guests gathered for an international potluck with dishes from each of the 31 countries.

“That’s the promise — that the potluck is as diverse as the parade of nations,” Fortune said.