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Candidates’ platforms queried during ASCC Gubernatorial Forum

Why should the public vote for them?

One of the seven questions posed by ASCC Student Government Association (SGA), during the gubernatorial forum on Tuesday, was about the candidates’ platforms and why the public should vote for them.

Attending the forum were the gubernatorial teams of Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga & Lt. Gov. Lemanu Palepoi Sialega Mauga, Faoa Aitofele Sunia & Larry S. Sanitoa and Tuika Tuika & Salanoa Iuni Maeva Saveena.

Tuika promised that he and his partner Salanoa would honor and live by the oath when elected into office. He said under their watch there would be no government corruption, or any misuse of federal funds. Tuika also pointed out the current administration’s budget that’s in the red and this was revealed during hearings in the Fono. Tuika said this would not happen on their watch.

Sanitoa referred to their theme, which is “Hope For the Future.” He pointed out their team is concerned about the young people, the education system, healthcare, and the economy. The House representative and gubernatorial candidate said the issues have been addressed in their newspaper advertisements and radio shows. He said they are concerned with the current ASG debts — if there are enough funds to pay for the subsidies to ASCC and the hospital.

Lolo did not mince words when noting that he and Lemanu were able to restore the trust and the credibility of the people that was lost during the Faoa Administration. He said his administration was able to bring together great minds and government leaders to meet and dialogue on solutions for the problems that were left behind from the former administration. He pointed to being able to regain the trust from the federal government — for example the $20million from the Federal Aviation Administration for airport operations. Lolo said that their administration does not focus on anyone’s agenda, but rather it focuses on the government’s agenda.

(Samoa News should point out that Faoa was lieutenant governor during the administration Lolo is referring to, while Togiola T.A. Tulafono was the governor.)