CJPA receives US-DOJ funding for Violence Against Women services
Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Uifa’atali Aumua Amata is welcoming notice Tuesday of $256,670 in federal funds for American Samoa Criminal Justice Planning Agency under the leadership of CJPA Director Mariana Timu-Faiai.
This grant, administered by the US Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), is for OVW Fiscal Year 2023 Sexual Assault Services Formula Program. Congress created the Sexual Assault Services Formula Program (SAS Formula Program) in the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA 2005), and funded the programs of the federal government this year through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023.
The SAS Formula Program directs grant dollars to states and territories to assist them in supporting rape crisis centers (including governmental rape crisis centers not in territories and tribal governmental programs) and nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that provide core services, direct intervention, and related assistance to victims of sexual assault, regardless of age.
Funds provided through the US-DOJ SAS Formula Program are designed to supplement other funding sources directed at addressing sexual assault on the state and territorial levels. Rape crisis centers and other nonprofit organizations, such as dual programs providing both domestic violence and sexual assault intervention services, play a vital role in assisting sexual assault victims through the healing process, as well as assisting victims through the medical, criminal justice, and other social support systems.
“I am pleased to receive this OVW grant notice, and send my appreciation for the efforts of Director Timu-Faiai and her team in acquiring this grant, and other funding throughout the year, and put resources to work on important services like these,” said Congresswoman Amata. “Thank you to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and OVW Director Rosemarie Hidalgo for this grant assistance to American Samoa.”