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Community News Briefs

styrafoam clamshell plate

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga has approved Senate Bil 38 - 5, Public Law 38 - 12, "An act prohibiting the use of polystyrene foam containers." This bill will go into effect 60 days after the end of the session,” the bill reads. It becomes effective May 7, 2024.

“The time and effort you and your colleagues have invested in considering this important law is greatly appreciated. May we continue to work together to address the needs of our Territory,” the governor wrote in his approval message.

Polystyrene product exemptions include:

(1)       imported prepackaged food;

(2)       trays used for raw meat, poultry, fish, or frozen foods;

(3)       polystyrene foam coolers and ice chests intended for reuse;

(4)       packaging materials for non-food items.

(5)       special requests for an exemption. Any person may seek an exemption from the provisions of this Act upon demonstrating that strict application of the requirements would cause undue hardship.

The American Samoa EPA is designated as the agency responsible for implementation and administration of this act, to include coordinating public education programs and enforcement efforts.


April has been designated Child Abuse Prevention Month.  “Our children are our most valuable resources and are vital to the future success, prosperity, and quality of life of American Samoa. They are also our most vulnerable citizens; and every child deserves a safe, stable, and nurturing home in communities that prioritizes their needs and ensures their healthy growth and development,” the proclamation reads in part.

“Effective child abuse prevention activities succeed because of partnerships fostered and strengthened between public and private professionals that include but are not limited to child welfare, education, health, community and faith-based organizations, businesses, law enforcement, and families.”

 The government acknowledges that the community must work together to increase awareness about child abuse and contribute to promoting the social and emotional well-being of children and families in a safe, stable, and nurturing environment.

Prevention remains the best defense for our children and families, the statement says.


The 124th Flag Day Celebration is fast approaching and in preparation to host invited guests, Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga informed directors, agencies and office heads that their personnel would be responsible for escorting and transporting the dignitaries who have been invited to join the celebration.

The ASG fleet should be utilized to accommodate these tasks, therefore, each Department, Agency, and Office with vehicles suitable for transporting dignitaries and VIP guests (such as SUVs and/or vans) must provide a vehicle and an assigned driver.

All vehicles and assigned drivers are to report to the Department of Public Works no later than Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

Please ensure your vehicles are cleaned and fueled. For additional details and information please contact Deputy Faalavai Taase at


On Wednesday, March 27, Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga announced the following appointments to the American Samoa Zoning Board:

Tautoloitua J. Ho Ching, appointed by Governor

Aoelua Solomona, appointed by Governor

Matautu Peter Tinitali, PhD, appointed by Governor

Mataese Mataese, Jr., appointed by Governor

James McGuire, appointed by Senate President

Rep. Manumaua Wayne Wilson, appointed by Speaker of the House

Taesali Matagi, appointed by Eastern Dist. Governor

William Godinet, appointed by Western Dist. Governor

Tavita Tili, appointed by Manu Dist. Governor

Their terms have various expiration dates in Feb. and March 2026.