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COVID vax remains mandatory for entry into American Samoa

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New declaration continues suspension of commercial passenger flights

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — There are no major changes to the new COVID-19 Emergency Declaration dated Oct. 8th and signed by Gov. Lemanu Peleti Palepoi Sialega Mauga and effective on Oct. 11th. The new document declares that American Samoa remains under “Code Blue” — which means COVID-free — and it continues to encourage local residents to get vaccinated as soon as they are eligible.

The declaration maintains current restrictions that full vaccination is required prior to entering American Samoa for any person who is 16 years or older, unless the person is not medically qualified.


It also maintains current restrictions, which continue the suspension of all entry permits until further notice with the exception of Guest Worker Permits issued for employment at the cannery or a call center pursuant to local law. And the Governor’s Authorized Representative (GAR) has the authority to issue entry permits.

Minor changes were made to the new declaration compared to the previous ones. Past declarations stated that any person entering the territory must register with the online travel program approved by COVID-Task Force, DoH and the Department of Legal Affairs. 

“If a person is coming from a place with community spread of COVID-19, that registrations must take place 21 days prior to entering the territory,” according to the new restriction.

It also states that traveler must show proof of negative test or tests prior to arrival as required by the Health Department and must submit to quarantine upon arrival if required by DoH.

Additionally, the Governor’s Authorized Representative (GAR) is authorized to make exceptions and authorize the entry of persons into the territory without using the online travel program. Furthermore, any person entering under the GAR’s exemption must comply with safety requirements mandated by the GAR.

While no website was mentioned in the declaration for the online travel program, the Task Force has already made public the TalofaPass web-system [] where travelers are required to register.


The new declaration continues the suspension of all regular scheduled commercial passenger flights to and from American Samoa. Additionally, the GAR may authorize limited scheduled flights or authorized flights based on the needs of the territory.

And passengers of any permitted flight must comply with all entry requirements or any additional requirements contained in the “GAR’s written authorization.” 

The COVID-19 Task Force has been publicly announcing since August the resumption of Hawaiian Airlines commercial flights between Honolulu and Pago Pago on a limited basis.

The new declaration made clear under “General Provisions - A” that the health director is authorized to quarantine a person for up 10 15-days “without notice if that person was or may have been exposed to COVID-19.”

Additionally, the health director, is authorized to isolate a person for up to 15-days without notice “if that person is infected or reasonably believed to be infected with COVID-19.”

Quarantine or isolation for more than 15-days requires High Court authorization.

Click on attachment below to download full text of the declaration.