DOC-DBAS team up to host workshop for business community
Next Thursday, the Department of Commerce and the Development Bank of American Samoa will be co-hosting the "Access to Capital Business Workshop" at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium from 9 a.m.- 12noon.
Territorial Planner, Michael J. McDonald, shared with Samoa News the goals of supporting the economy, and bringing in supporting agencies that will help in producing new adventures.
Currently, DOC is working on ways to improve its services not only for local people but also for national and international communities abroad.
The goal of this whole idea is to get new and existing businesses, as well as ambitious business owners to improve their services, develop, and expand.
Additionally, it is to promote awareness on the various business financing programs available locally.
DOC has been working on plans to get the ball rolling in order to meet and satisfy the needs of American Samoa's business community.
They have information on capital resources and programs available on island through local/federal organizations such as DOC, DBAS, USDA, and ANZ.
The workshop will serve as a way for attendees to learn more about business related services available in the territory; for example, the Small Business Development Center, business license requirements/process etc.
The workshop also provides an opportunity for participants to network and meet various agency or organization representatives in person, to ask questions and get direct answers on the spot.
Those already involved or are looking to start businesses related to healthcare, manufacturing, fisheries, agriculture, renewable energy, technology, and tourism are encouraged to attend the workshop.
Those who do not fall into any of the aforementioned categories are encouraged to attend.
More information can be obtained by calling 633-5145