AS-EPA Director elected as the next Region 9 rep
AS-EPA Director Ameko Pato, has been elected by his peers in the Region 9 States and Territories to be the next Region 9 representative on the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) Board.
The ASTSWMO is an organization comprising 50 States, 5 Territories and the District of Columbia. Its mission is to enhance and promote effective State and Territorial programs and to affect relevant national policies for waste and materials management, environmentally sustainable practices, and environmental restoration.
Pato’s selection will go through confirmation by the ASTSWMO Board of Directors on Friday, October 28, 2016 in Washington, DC.
Each Board member serves an initial 3-year term and may serve a maximum of two full consecutive 3-year terms with the consent of their regional caucus. Board members are vested with the authority to carry out the affairs of the association and to exercise leadership in raising and exploring policy issues of potential concern to the membership.
Pato is grateful for the opportunity to serve on the ASTSWMO Board of Directors.
According to THE AS-EPA director, “It is my hope that with this selection, I can leverage resources for the Region and especially the Territories to address critical environmental issues that may significantly impact public health. My election to this Board compliments the Governor’s policy action to address solid waste issues in American Samoa. These include the Governor’s Island Wide Clean-Up Committee (IWCC), Keep American Samoa Beautiful (KASB) program, and the Adopt-A-School initiative.”