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AS-EPA issues a violation notice and crop condemnation after pesticide misuse

Disposing of the affected produce

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — A recent routine inspection at a local farm which grows and sells fruits and vegetables to restaurants, stores and the public discovered pesticide misuse of “Complete Insect Killer” (EPA Reg. No. 92564-12) on cabbages, eggplants and cucumber plants. The Complete Insect Killer label, specifies its application to control pest on lawns and around building foundations only.

The American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency (AS EPA) Pesticide Branch conducted the inventory assessment of the types of pesticide products that are stored and used by the owner of the farm on June 11.

The Complete Insect Killer label, specifies its application to control pest on lawns and around building foundations only. [courtesy photo]


The farm owner was promptly informed about the misuse violation and was advised to carefully read pesticide labels to understand proper usage, including designated sites/areas and targeted pests. A Notice of Violation (NOV) was issued for the product misuse that is in violation of Pesticide Law under A.S.C.A. § 24.1222(3), which characterizes the actions of the owner as unlawful.

To ensure that the affected crops that have been sprayed by this pesticide does not reach the market for public consumption which may lead to food poisoning or any potential health risk, AS-EPA collaborated with the Department of Health (DOH) to pursue the necessary actions to immediately condemn and dispose of the affected produce. The DOH Environmental Health Services (EHS) Officers ordered the farm owner to uproot and destroy all crops which have been identified by AS-EPA Pesticide Officers to be tainted with the Complete Insect Killer pesticide.

AS-EPA and DOH underscore the critical importance of adhering to pesticide label instructions. Pesticide product labels provide essential information such as proper usage, dilution rate, storage, disposal, types of personal protective equipment that should be worn for the safety of the applicator, general public, and the environment. Non-compliance with pesticide product label can lead to serious health or environmental risk and may result in potential pesticide penalties and/or fines. Agricultural workers are encouraged to contact the AS-EPA Pesticide Branch if they would like further information on the proper use of pesticide products and devices.

AS-EPA Director, Fa’amao Asalele stated that “the misuse of any pesticide products is a serious matter as it puts the health and safety of our people and the environment at risk. AS-EPA and DOH continues to work together to ensure that the fresh produce being grown on our farms adhere to both local and federal laws governing pesticide use. Any pesticide violations we discover as part of our inspections will be dealt with accordingly and swiftly.”

The AS-EPA extends its gratitude to Director Motusa T. Nua and the Department of Health team for their collaborative efforts in protecting public health and the environment from the adverse effects of pesticide misuse.

For more information, please contact the AS EPA Pesticide Branch at 684-633-2304.