Fear of Coronavirus brings tighter restrictions for travel in American Samoa and Samoa — If planning travel you need to know this
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — In support of Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga’s Jan. 29th order which continued the measles outbreak declaration and expands it to include measure to counter the new “coronavirus”, Health director Motusa Tuileama Nua on Friday, Jan. 31st, released a “travel advisory” for all travelers.
The advisory, summarizes the new travel requirements outlined in the governor’s order.
It also provides a requirement for passengers transiting through American Samoa on Hawaiian Airlines heading to Samoa.
“Travelers transiting from Hawaiian Airlines flights are required to acquire a health exam clearance 3-days before traveling to Samoa,” the advisory states.
Additionally, DoH “strongly recommends” that all persons intending to travel to any country affected by the coronavirus “to postpone their travel arrangements unless necessary”.
The Associated Press reports that on Friday, Jan. 31st, the U.S government declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump signed an order barring entry to foreign nationals who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’ longest incubation period.
The restrictions don’t apply to immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents.
The US action comes 24-hours after the World Health Organization on Thursday declare the coronavirus a global emergency.
1. US. passport and Samoa passport holders entering American Samoa from the Samoa route must have a health exam clearance by the Ministry of Health 14 days before entry.
2. All OK board, Entry Permits and Transit permits for foreign nationals are suspended.
3. All entry permits will adhere to a 30-day processing period.
4. DOH Health Clearance required documents for Entry Permits & US Nationals OK Board:
— Health Exam clearance ONLY from Ministry of Health (MOH) in Samoa 14 days before entry
— Signed immigration form
— Valid copy of passport and copies of passport pages showing stamps at ports of entry and departure in the past 30 days before entry
— Proof of MMR vaccination 14 days before entry
— Copy of roundtrip ticket
5. 14-day travel waivers are suspended.
1. American Samoa residents, DOH strongly advises to acuire a health exam clearance 3 days before traveling to Samoa.
2. Travelers transiting from the Hawaiian Airlines flights are required to acquire a health exam clearance 3 days before traveling to Samoa.
3. 18 years and younger must show proof of all required vaccinations according to CDC guidelines.
Travelers from a country where 2019 Novel Coronavirus has been reported must remain in an unaffected country for 14 days and obtain a medical clearance before entering American Samoa.
Be aware of the signs and symptoms of 2019 Novel Coronavirus which include:
— fever
— cough
— shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
Department of Health strongly recommends that all persons intending to travel to any country affected by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus to postpone their travel arrangements unless necessary.
Leone Clinic continues to be closed to the public until further notice. All residents seeking health services from Leone Clinic are asked to go to the Tafuna Health Center.
MMR vaccinations are available at sites listed below:
— Tafuna Health Center Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
— Fagaalu Well Baby Clinic Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
— Amouli Clinic Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
— DHSS-WIC office for adults only Monday-Friday 8am-2pm
Call Measles Hotline (Command Post) 633-5871/5872 for any questions or updates.