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Fono schedules joint hearings to review proposed FY2024 budget

Senate President Tuaolo Manaia Fruean and House speaker Savali Talavou Ale

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The Fono’s review of the government’s proposed budget of more than $664 million for the new fiscal year 2024 — which commences on Oct. 01, 2023 — is set for later this month and it will be a joint budget hearing of both the Senate and House Budget and Appropriations Committees — expected to last 8-days and held at the Senate’s current chambers.

In an Aug. 07 communique, Fono leaders along with chairmen of the Fono budget committees informed Gov. Lemanu P. S. Mauga that the budget hearings for FY 2024 are scheduled for Aug. 28 to Sept. 07.

“Due to time constraints” the budget committees for both the Senate and House “have decided to conduct budget hearings in a Joint Session in order to speed up the review process,” according to the Fono letter, which includes the schedule of dates for testimonies from ASG department/ office heads.

The usual overall testimonies from ASG Treasurer Malemo Tausaga and Budget and Planning Office director, Catherine D. Saelua on the proposed budget will kick off budget hearings. Among the issues to be covered are revenue projections and collections and the Fono is expected to request several financial reports to be received prior to the start of budget hearings.

As in previous budget hearings, the Treasurer and Budget Office director will face lengthy questioning from lawmakers, especially on the government projected local revenues for the new fiscal year, as well as the status of local revenue collection for FY 2023.

The Administration is projecting local revenues of $143 million in FY 2024, which is higher than FY 2023 levels of more than $77.50 million. An estimated $103.2 million for the new fiscal year budget will come from taxes.

After the overall testimonies, both Malemo and Saelua will be questioned by the joint committee about the budgets for the Treasury Department and Budget Office.

Also scheduled for Aug. 28 — the first day of budget hearings — are the Governor’s Office, the Judiciary Branch and Office of Samoan Affairs. All budget hearing beings at 10a.m., which means, sessions for both the Senate and House would begin early — usually around 9a.m, as in past years.

The Fono has informed the governor that all directors must be made available during budget hearings to assist with the review process and that the  joint committee “will not accept any testimony from any other individual except the Director.”

In addition, the Fono requests that directors/ CEOs of the Enterprise Funds and Authorities provide their Profit and Loss Statement in advance, prior to the scheduled budget hearings, saying that “this information is critical to the review process” of the FY 2024 financial plan for fiscal year 2024.

Also requested is a current Organizational Chart for each agency approved by the governor, that corresponds with the FY 2024 manpower resources, three days in advance of the scheduled hearings.

As usual, the Fono requested that all witnesses presenting testimonies to dress appropriately in accordance with the chamber's dress code. The men must wear a shirt and a tie and the ladies must wear a puletasi or appropriate business wear.

Lawmakers are currently in a mid session recess and will return on Aug. 21.