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Friday is an official ASG holiday for Veterans Day — a 3-day weekend

Veterans Day banner
However, Saturday, Nov. 11 is the real “Veterans Day”

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — In a memorandum from the Governor’s Office, American Samoa’s Acting Governor Talauega E.V. Ale has declared that Friday, November 10, 2023 be observed as a holiday in the territory in celebration of Veterans Day. This year’s official theme is “Service” — to signify the veterans’ proud military service in defense of the nation — protecting the American way of life and the Constitution of the USA.

All government offices will be closed, with the exception of those required to perform essential service. Public schools will also be closed.

Veterans Day officially falls on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023 and with the observed government holiday on Friday, a 3-day weekend will be enjoyed by the territory.

Acting Governor Talauega stated, “Veterans Day is a time to honor and thank the brave men and women who have dedicated themselves in service of our Nation.

"I encourage you all to make time to reflect on the many freedoms and liberties we share, but also the price of those freedoms.”  

According to the Veterans Office at Tafuna, the 2-day celebration this year will be held in front of the Veterans Memorial Monument Center at the Sen. Daniel Inouye Industrial Park — of note, the late US senator was himself a WWII US Army veteran and recipient of the Medal of Honor.

Friday’s events include the traditional cake-cutting ceremony, a candlelight vigil to commemorate the service of all U.S. veterans, and will be followed by a traditional reception gala (usually a ball), scheduled to begin at 7pm and last until 9pm.

On Saturday, Nov, 11th — the official nationwide Veterans Day — the day will begin with outdoor events for veterans and their families, including the public. All are invited to the ‘free’ events. It will be co-hosted with ASNOC and is to include games and friendly family activities.

Veterans Day celebration will end with an open concert on Saturday Nov. 11 at the Veterans Memorial Monument – featuring Mr. Cowboy, Paul Ieti and Nato Penei is announced for 6pm- 9 pm. Again, it is free and open to all who wish to attend.

Also in attendance by special invitation, will be the Deputy Prime Minister of Samoa, Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio.

Tuala is an ex-serviceman with several years of service in the Royal New Zealand Army where he held the rank of Captain.

He is currently the President of the Royal Samoa Returned Servicemen Association RSA.

In a brief interview with Samoa News, Deputy Prime Minister Tuala confirmed his participation by invitation from the Governor to the remembrance celebration — Veterans Day.

He also mentioned that a delegation from Samoa including members of the RSA Samoa will be arriving in the territory on Thursday.   

Retired Colonel Leafaina Yahn is the guest speaker and motivational speaker for Veterans Day. She is the Chief of Staff of Congresswoman Uifa'atali Aumua Amata’s office in Washington DC.

The organizing committee for the 2-day events is the ASG Veterans Affairs Office with support from the Governor’s Office, in partnership with ASNOC.

The territory’s banks — TBAS and DBAS will be closed on Friday.

However, the US Postal Office will be open on Friday, but will be closed Saturday — as it’s an official federal holiday.

StarKist will be packing Friday but on Saturday, StarKist employees will be on the road early morning picking up trash from Matu'u to Utulei before the End of Year StarKist Volleyball Tournament for employees at Fagaalu Park.

Samoa News will not publish in celebration of Veterans Day on Friday and wishes all a safe and peaceful 3-day weekend holiday.


According to, the federal holiday is recognized on the same day — November 11 — every year. This is because, it was first celebrated as Armistice Day, the day marking the end of World War I, formally recognized on the “11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month” in 1918.

Today, while it continues to be celebrated, it is known as Veterans Day, but still recognizes its original tie with November 11. That means Veterans Day is on the same day every year — November 11 — regardless on which day of the week it falls.

However, when the date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, government officials or businesses may recognize it on both the official day and the following Monday, or in some cases — the Friday right before the official day.

Veterans Day is a federal holiday, a bank holiday and, in most states and US territories, a holiday. That means that federal employees, including military members, are typically given the day off, as well as state and territorial government employees.