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Gov. Lemanu says the people have spoken, “It is how democracy works”

Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — In support of the principle of transition of power, Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga formerly conceded in a statement issued on Wednesday, November 20, 2024. 

Here is the complete text:

“When the people speak, those of us who serve at the will of the people must listen. It is how democracy works and best serves our community. To that end, I extend my congratulations to Governor-elect Pulaalii Nikolao Pula and Lt. Governor-elect Pulu Ae Ae Jr. Looking to the future, I have reached out to the Governor-elect to begin a smooth transition of administration.

“In giving thanks, I would first and foremost thank God for the honor and privilege of serving as Governor. It is through Him that all things are possible.

“I also thank and praise Lt. Governor La’apui Talauega E. V. Ale. His partnership, leadership, and dedication over the past four years has been invaluable. First Lady Ella and I are deeply appreciative of the tireless effort he and Good Lady Marian have endured to bring so many positive changes and opportunities to American Samoa.

“Finally, to our families, friends, and supporters across the Territory and across the world, I give my enduring thanks. Without you, our successes over the past four years would not have been possible. To my Cabinet and those serving in the American Samoa Government working hard to serve our people, thank you for the good work you have done and will continue to do in the years to come.

“We came here to serve and service is bigger than us. Ultimately, this is not about us but about the people we serve.

“As we move forward, let us all put campaign differences aside and focus on our duty to support the incoming Governor. Let us do everything possible to help him bring American Samoa together for the good of our island as envisioned by our forefathers so long ago.

“God bless you all. God bless American Samoa.”