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Governor’s FY-2024 budget plan details employee numbers and salary costs

Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — In his fiscal year 2024 Budget Plan Executive Summary letter to Fono leaders, Gov. Lemanu P. S Mauga informed lawmakers that “more workers are converting from contract to career service” employees.

According to the governor, total number of positions for proposed fiscal year 2024 is 7,382 compared to 7,228 in fiscal year 2023, which is an increase of 2%. “Employment has been about the same as last year,” he said.

Data included in the summary letter shows that of the total proposed FY 2024 workforce, about 5,704 workers are career service - compared to about 5,563 in FY 2023 - while some 1,678 are contact workers for FY 2024 – while there were 1,664 in FY 2023.

Additionally, data shows the breakdown on the number of positions funded with local revenue; federal money; and the Enterprise Fund — which includes ASG’s semi autonomous agencies that collect their own revenues, such as the American Samoa Power Authority, American Samoa Telecommunications Authority and LBJ Medical Center.

Data shows that about 2,647 positions are funded with local revenues — with more than 1,926 career service positions and 721 contract workers; a total of 2,636 positions are funded by federal money, with just over 1,800 for career service and 823 for contract workers; and some 2,098 positions under the Enterprise Fund, with about 1,965 for career service and the rest of the positions are contract workers.

Of the total proposed FY 2024 budget of $664.93 million, personnel cost totals $251.51 million — with $72.43 million under Enterprise Fund; $85.06 million through federal grants; and $94.19 million of local revenue, according to the overall budget appropriation legislation submitted by the Administration to the Fono.

Among the many questions that lawmakers have raised during budget hearings in the past years, is the ASG total workforce, and whether the numbers submitted to the Fono are accurate, after learning of last minute hiring by ASG departments and agencies.

In past years, there were even times when the Fono requested a detailed-list of Executive Branch employees and how many positions are vacant.

Meanwhile, the overall proposed budget for Enterprise Fund in FY 2024 totals $236.32 million — which reflects an increase of $12.8 million, a 6% hike from FY 2023 budget, according to the governor’s summary letter.

“For the most part, the surge is attributed to LBJ and ASCC proposed increases in their operational activities & projects,” the letter says and noted that the funding to help pay for bond debt has been secured in the budget for FY2024 at $14 million — and listed as a budget item in Enterprise Fund.

As previously announced by the governor, Enterprise Fund entities are to submit their proposed FY 2024 budgets directly to the Fono, with copies to the ASG Budget Office.

The Fono went into a mid-session recess at the close of business last Friday and will reconvene on Aug. 21, at which time the actual budget bill is expected to be introduced in both Chambers. More details and information will be available at that time on when budget hearings will be carried out.