It appears all is not well in the hierarchy of territory’s only hospital
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — In a press release from the LBJ Medical Center ‘Office of the Chairman of the Board’ dated this past Friday, March 18, chair Dr Malouamaua Tuiolosega and members of the board announced an unanimous vote for dismissal of LBJ’s recently appointed interim CEO, Emau Amosa, and the appointment of Moefa’auo William T. Emmesley, Jr. to serve in the post for 30 days —“or until such time a permanent CEO is found and installed.”
Moefa’auo will combine this with his post on the board as secretary.
According to the chair, “The abrupt but prudent decision prompted only when the Board saw evidence that Mr. Amosa’s primary duties as CFO of LBJ, was shortcoming and the additional burden placed on him as interim CEO, with extracurricular duties were not being met.”
The press release says, “… the board was duty bound to act justifiably, swiftly and effect this exchange without delay,” citing COVID, workforce shortages and improvement projects in the “pipeline”.
Giving a hint of the conflicts going on, the release credits chair Dr Tuiolosega with stating that the purpose of the governance board is not understood at the executive management level and points out that “Although different their perspective, but it is the ”true” Board.”
Citing ASCA title 13.0103, chapter 01(a), Dr Tuiolosega said that a governance board is different from an advisory board, explaining that an advisory board does not make decisions but only advises while “a Governance Board engages in decision making, controls, directs, and manages the organization. It requires active participation of its directors in discussions and brainstorming for solutions …”
The chair concluded saying, “the Board is executing its duties according to the law that created it,” and he credits the House of Representatives Health Committee for reminding the board of its fiduciary duty to govern on behalf of the public and LBJ staff.
The release was signed by Dr Tuiolosega and dated yesterday for distribution to the media.