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Korean American Day commemorates immigrants’ arrival

Congresswoman ifa’atali Amata
Source: Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata’s D.C. staff

Washington, D.C. — Korean American Day (January 13), commemorates the day in 1903 that Korean immigrants arrived to become Americans, and Congresswoman ifa’atali Amata celebrates today’s Korean American community.

“I join our nation’s Korean American community in celebrating this day,” she said. “It’s a joy to work with several Korean American colleagues in Congress, part of the diverse strength that represents all Americans in our nation’s Capitol. The 1903 arrival of the first known Korean Americans correlates closely in time with American Samoa joining the United States (Tutuila in 1900 and Manu’a in 1904). Together, we are blessed to be part of a great and free country, that works in close alliance with South Korea. It’s wonderful to consider the importance of many Korean Americans to the U.S. in every possible field of business, government, military, arts, and music, contributing to the country’s future and taking part in the American dream for generations.

“Thank you to our Korean American friends and neighbors as we celebrate this milestone with you. God bless you and God bless the United States.”