Man arrested for allegedly raping his 16-year-old biological daughter
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — A man was arrested last week pursuant to an arrest warrant on the allegation that he raped his 16-year-old biological daughter. The arrest was made after the victim told police that she had already informed her mother regarding the incident and her mother didn’t seem to believe her story.
To protect the victim’s identify, Samoa News will not reveal the names of all parties involved.
The defendant made his initial appearance in District Court last week.
He is charged with one count of rape and one count of sodomy, both class B felonies, punishable by a term of imprisonment for 5 to 15 years; along with one count of 1st degree sexual abuse and one count of incest, both class D felonies, punishable by a term of imprisonment for up to five years, a fine of $5,000, but not less than $150 pursuant to 47.0402, or both such fine and imprisonment.
Bail is set at $30,000.
Preliminary examination is set for next week.
The government alleges that on Mar. 6, 2021 around 6:55p.m, a woman walked into the Tafuna Police Substation (TPS) with her niece (later identified as the victim in this case) to file a report against the defendant. It was revealed through the victim’s statement to investigators that she was allegedly raped by her biological father (the defendant) while she was sleeping.
The victim stated to investigators that on Mar. 4th, 2021, about midnight, her biological father came into her room while she was lying on her bed not wearing any clothes. Her father allegedly touched her body in a sexual manner.
The victim told investigators that she tried to stand up and run away from her father because she was scared, however, her father grabbed her head and pulled her close to him while standing inside her room naked. She tried hard to push him away but he was too strong and at the same time he tried to rape her.
As the victim and the defendant struggled, the victim was able to find a pencil lying on the floor. She grabbed the pencil and stabbed her father in the neck, but it didn’t leave a mark she stated.
The victim was able to free herself from her father and quickly ran to her grandmother for help, she explained to her what had happened and her grandmother told the victim that it’s okay it was not a big deal. The victim further stated that she went to tell her mother who told her that she had to wait until she (her mother) talks to the defendant regarding the incident.
The victim and her mother went to the defendant’s home to talk to him and the defendant wasn’t home, so the victim was dropped off to her aunt’s home to stay there for the night.
The victim told investigators that later that night, her mother called her and told her that she asked her father (defendant) if it was true and the defendant told her mother that he doesn’t know anything and nothing happened.
On the following morning, the victim told her aunt that the reason why she wanted to come and stay with her was because her father raped her.
Investigators interviewed the victim’s aunt regarding the incident, and according to the victim’s aunt, on Mar. 5, 2021, her niece (the victim) and her brother sat her down and told her the reason why the victim wanted to come stay with her at her residence.
The aunt stated that the victim was scared to go back home due to what her biological father allegedly did to her. After hearing the victim and her brother’s story, the aunt told the victim that she could stay with her as long as she wants.
The aunt also told investigators that the victim’s mother contacted her to bring her daughter (victim) back and the victim was screaming out, crying, telling her that she is scared to go back home. The aunt also stated that the victim told her that she already approached her mother and the mother didn’t seem to believe her (victim). The aunt told investigators that she feared for the victim’s safety as well as her younger siblings.
The victim’s younger brother was also interviewed by investigators. He stated that on Mar. 4, 2021 during the tsunami warning, he was with his sister when he told her to go catch a bus and go home and she told him that she didn’t want to go back home. The victim’s brother stated that he asked his sister why she doesn’t want to go home and she told him that her biological father raped her while she was sleeping.
According to information received by investigators, the victim and her brother are half brother and sister. They have the same mother but different fathers. The brother was disappointed so he went and took his sister with him to his aunt’s residence where he’s staying.
On Mar. 6, 2021, the defendant was Mirandized and said he was willing to answer questions and make a statement to investigators.
According to the defendant’s statement, he honestly did not do anything wrong to his daughter. Furthermore, he stated he does not know where his daughter comes up with these kind of stories.
Social workers conducted an assessment with the victim, her brother, her mother, the defendant and her aunt and later gave their findings to investigators regarding this case.
As per the assessment by social workers, the victim has been placed at the shelter until further notice from the court. The victim’s mother and siblings were placed at the aunt’s residence.