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Man reports his brother allegedly assaulted by his mother’s boyfriend


Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — On October 9, 2024, a male individual reported to the Fagatogo Police Station an alleged assault of a minor, his brother, by his mother’s boyfriend.

The suspect was later arrested and charged with the following:

Count 1: Public Peace Disturbance (DV), a class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to fifteen days, a fine of $300 but not less than $150, or both; and,

Count 2: Assault in the Third Degree ( As a C. Misd.) (DV), a class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to fifteen days, a fine of $300 but not less than $300, or both.

The defendant’s bail was set at $3,000.

(Samoa News has withheld the names of those involved to protect the identity of the minor involved in this case.)

According to the affidavit, on October 9th, at around 3:49 p.m., a male individual contacted the FPS to report that his mother’s boyfriend threatened his 12-year-old  brother at their residence. Police officers were dispatched to the scene.

Upon arrival at the location, around 4:09 p.m., an unknown male waved them down in front of his residence. He later identified himself as the reporter.

The reporter briefly explained what had happened, and at the same time, pointed to the minor next to him, who was later identified as the victim allegedly threatened by his mother’s boyfriend. The officers also interviewed the minor regarding the incident.

According to the reporter’s verbal statement, he was at his aunt’s house when his little brother came to him and was crying. He stated that his brother told him what had happened and stated that he was scared to go back to their house. The reporter stated that the victim said he feared when he (the reporter) leaves tomorrow the incident will escalate if the suspect remains at their home.

According to the victim’s verbal and written statement, he bought a 50-cent soda and gave it to his mom. However, the suspect saw the soda and got upset, saying that they have no money for cash power,  and threw a glass cup at the dog and it cracked on the wall. The victim said that the suspect then came chasing after him and threatened to “kill him” (using terminology for animals — “Ou ke alu aku a gaiga kape oe”).

The victim said that the suspect continued to come after him and that the suspect told his (victim’s) grandma that his head looks good to be “stabbed with a crowbar”.

He later went to his aunt’s house to hide and to look for his older brother who then contacted the FPS for assistance. He also stated that he was scared for his life.

The victim also told the officers that his grandmother witnessed everything when the suspect threatened him.

The victim was noticeably scared when being interviewed and was crying.

After interviewing the reporter and the victim, the officers observed an unknown male walking towards them from the family’s home front door. The reporter confirmed it was the suspect.

The officers removed the suspect from the victim’s presence while they interviewed the victim’s grandmother who witnessed the suspect’s threats.

According to the witness’s verbal statement, “she was in the back of her house before the victim came to her, [and] she heard glass shatter from the victim’s house.” At that time her grandson came and she saw that he was scared and she sat with him at the back of her house. The suspect noticed the victim was sitting with her and that’s when he made the ‘stabbing with a crowbar’ comment.

The suspect was transported to the FPS for further investigation.

Upon arrival at the FPS at about 5:04 p.m., the authorities Mirandized the suspect and agreed to make a statement.

According to the suspect’s written statement, they had no money for a cash power (electricity) and he was looking for someone to borrow $20.00 from until he gets money from his fishing to pay it back. When he saw his girlfriend with a soda and asked her where she got it from, his girlfriend stated it was from the suspect victim. He then asked his girlfriend if the victim had money and she said she didn’t know. Later, after he saw the dog inside the house, he threw it with a plastic cup that he used as an ashtray for his cigarettes. He then heard the victim slamming the front door and that’s when he called him out.

The suspect stated that he asked the victim if he was throwing a fit and threatened to slap his face. After that, he left to prepare his fishing gear for the night.

The suspect was booked at the FPS and later transported to the Tafuna Correctional Facility to be confined awaiting the next sitting of the District Court.

The defendant is identified as a 44-year-old citizen of Samoa.