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Man who called for police assistance during family disturbance ends up in jail

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Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — A man who called for police assistance during a domestic dispute at his family residence in Nuuuli was arrested and is now in custody after police found drugs in his possession.

Saifoloi Mapu is charged with one count of methamphetamine (meth), a felony and his bail is set at $5,000.


On July 15, 2022 about 8:10p.m, a man from Nu’uuli contacted the Tafuna Police Substation (TPS) for police assistance saying that his wife was causing trouble at their home. Furthermore, the man said her wife’s mother and siblings were also causing trouble and he wanted to move out with his two daughters.

Officers arrived at the family’s home and starting interviewing everyone involved including the man who called for police assistance, which is the defendant in this matter — Saifoloi Mapu.

After speaking with Mapu’s mother-in-law, officers decided to transport Mapu to the TPS for further investigation of the matter. Before Mapu was transported to the TPS, he was patted down for weapons and contraband.  During a body search, cops discovered a small stamp-sized baggie containing a white crystalline substance inside Mapu’s wallet.

According to the defendant’s statement to investigators, he is tired of being mistreated by his wife and her family during the many arguments they have. He stated that every time they argue, his wife would always throw anything near at him .

He recalled an incident that happened two weeks prior to this incident where his mother-in-law and his brother-in-law approached him in the middle of a verbal argument with his wife and told him to shut up, pack his stuff and leave.

Mapu told investigators that he doesn’t want to leave because he loves his two daughters and if is the case that he must leave, he wants to take his two daughters with him.

He also told investigators that this is really unfair, he called for a police assistance and now he’s being locked up for another crime.

When asked about the baggie containing a white crystalline substance found inside his wallet, Mapu admits that the baggie belonged to him. He bought it from a friend for his own personal use.

The defendant’s wife was also interviewed by investigators about the incident. According to the defendant’s wife, the verbal argument between her and her husband started when she confronted her husband about a marijuana joint she found inside his pants pocket on the day prior to the day of the incident.

As she was trying to talk to her husband peacefully, her husband yelled at her saying that it was her brother who owns the marijuana joints — not him.

She tried to explain to her husband that the marijuana joint was found inside his pants, not her brother’s pants, however, her husband was loud and yelling profanities at her, accusing her and her family for everything that happens between the two of them.

The wife said her mother intervened and tried to calm her husband down but that’s when her husband said that he wanted to move out, and when he called police and requested assistance.