Manumalo overall wInner of HOSA competition
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The overall winners for the American Samoa HOSA high school competition is Manumalo Academy; second place, went to Tafuna High School; while Faasao Marist placed third, Leone High was named fourth place and fifth place went to Nuuuli Vocational Technical High School.
A statement released last week says that the competition included a multitude of levels ranging from technical skill competencies to leadership skills in the healthcare system.
The competition, which is in its 8th year included 6 public high schools and 2 private schools. The 1st place winners for each category are now eligible to represent American Samoa at the HOSA International Leadership Conference & Competition at Dallas, Texas June 21-24,2023.
“Special Faafetai Tele to Congresswoman Aumua Amata Radewagen, the Honorable Lt.Governor of American Samoa Talauega Eleasalo Ale, Director of Education Talauega Dr. Samasoni Asaeli and leaders of ASDOE Divisions, advisors, school leaders, judges, Health talk, Speakers, and Healthcare agencies for making this HOSA event success.”
Sponsors included AS-DOE, DYWA, Manu’a Store, ASTCA, AHEC, DOH and LBJ.”
Prepared Speaking
First Place Josephine Pereira (Faasao Marist High School)
Second Place: Jadelynn Toma (Fagaitua High School)
Third Place: Meripa Chanel (Leone High School)
Health Career Photography
First Place: Calilyn Muagutu (Tafuna High School )
Second Place: Ardeleah Bernal (Manumalo Academy)
Third Place: Mouana Taala (Leone High School)
Public Service Announcement Teams of Three
First Place: Athena Polu, Motusimalo McFall, Etuale Sifika (Nuuuli Voc Tech)
Second Place: Isdore Nu’u, Donald Ane, Ron Mendoza (Manumalo Academy)
Third Place: Savannah Savali, Francis Vaofanua, Anthony-Joey Leo (Tafuna H.S.)
Community Awareness Teams of Two
First Place: Lana Snow and Junhang Wu (Manumalo Academy)
Second Place: Princess Viesca and Fa’apito Veavea (Faasao Marist High School)
Third Place: Elvandashu Levi and unnamed (Tafuna High School)
Health Career Display Teams of Two
First Place: Diana Lagatiana and Katelynne De Lara (Manumalo Academy)
Second Place: Gordan Toala and Danielle West (Samoana High School)
Third Place: David Apineru and Marion Afio’e (Tafuna High School)