New COVID-19 declaration eases some restrictions
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Gov. Lemanu Peleti Mauga’s new COVID-19 Emergency Declaration, effective yesterday, eases some restrictions on public gatherings and allows in-person classroom instruction with exemptions.
Valid through May 28, the new declaration modifies several COVID-19 restrictions as the number of active cases in the territory has begun to decline, according to the Governor’s Office.
According to the declaration outdoor gatherings are allowed if masking and social distancing requirements can be met.
Additionally, indoor public gatherings are open to a maximum of 100 people where masking and social distancing are also required. Furthermore, gatherings indoors must be held in a well-ventilated place.
For schools and colleges, they shall be closed for in-person classes except as approved by the Governor’s Authorized Representative (GAR). The declaration says that conditions for opening will vary based on the individual factors at each school.
However, the minimum requirements for opening includes that only students who are five years old or older may be allowed to attend in-person classes and all students attending in-person classes must be fully vaccinated.
It also says that all teachers and school personnel at the school compounds during in-person learning must be fully vaccinated; and that mask use is mandated at all times during in-person classes.
However, mask use is not required while students and teachers are eating lunch and during outdoor activities where social distancing is observed.
The declaration states that restaurants may provide take-out only while dine-in service is prohibited, except as approved by the GAR. Conditions will vary based on the individual factors at each restaurant, however, the minimum requirements for opening includes:
• Dine-in service may only be provided to customers who are five years old or older who show evidence of full vaccination;
• All restaurant employees must show evidence of full vaccination;
• Mask use is required at all times except during active eating;
• Social distancing is required; and
• Seating capacity must be limited to 50% of the maximum capacity of the restaurant.
The declaration outlined activities and businesses that must remain closed and prohibited: Bars; Bingo; Child daycare facilities; gyms and fitness centers; hair salons, barbershops, nail salons or services; and movie theaters.
Requests for exceptions should be made by submitting a site safety plan to the Emergency Operations Center at or (684) 699-3800 Ext: 116. “No exceptions will be granted to bars,” according to the declaration.
The declaration states that funerals must be coordinated through the Emergency Operations Center by contacting or (684) 699-3800 Ext: 116.
Attendance is limited and must comply with required masking and social distancing as well as requirements under public gatherings. “No children under five years old are allowed to participate in funeral gatherings,” the declaration states.
Additionally, all funeral gatherings must be completed within four-hours after the casket leaves the morgue. Regardless of the 4-hour limit, all funeral activities must be completed by 4p.m.
Furthermore, DoH will determine whether the casket will be opened or closed during the funeral.
Other restrictions remain in place from the previous declaration. For example, the mask use requirement has the additional mandate to wear masks onboard aircraft, ships, and boats that carry passengers while traveling to American Samoa.
For access to government owned and leased buildings, the persons must show proof of full vaccination or evidence of a negative test within the last 24 hours. And unvaccinated persons without proof of a negative test may enter only for the purpose of receiving emergency medical care, COVID testing, or COVID vaccination.
In releasing the new declaration, the governor commended the GAR, who is Lt. Gov. Talauega Eleasalo Ale, the task force, “our local medical heroes, our federal counterparts, and the people of American Samoa.”
“You all have played a vital role in adjusting to our new normal with the reduction of active cases in the Territory,” he said in a news release. “Thank you all for remaining resilient in these difficult times.”
The governor said he believes that the current status of active cases is an indicator that vaccines, boosters, and practicing preventive measures certainly do work.
“However, although our conditions have improved, relaxing our restrictions is not an indication to abandon our safety measures,” he said, and urged the community to “continue to wear appropriate masks as made clear in the declaration, practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently, and most importantly, get vaccinated and boosted to protect yourselves, your families, and our children.”
Clcik on attachment below to download pdf of the declaration.