Registration open for those qualified to vote absentee
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — With the November 2022 midterm election only months away, the Election Office has issued a reminder to all “unformed services voters, overseas voters and local students” attending institutions of learning outside of American Samoa to submit their request for an 2022 absentee ballot in advance.
According to the Election Office, the Outside Absentee Request process began Jan. 1 this year. Unformed services voters, overseas voters and students can request an absentee ballot by going online to website. Download and complete form EO-08 (Request for an Absentee Ballot).
Furthermore, the Election Office says uniformed services voters and overseas voters — outside of the US and Territories — can also use the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) available at FVAP.GOV (Federal Voting Assistance Program) to request your absentee ballot.
Upon Completion and certification of the request form, you can submit it through email address ( or postal mail address: Election Office, P.O. Box 3970, Pago Pago , AS 96799.
“The last day to request your absentee ballot is October 25, 2022,” the Election Office said.
Meanwhile voter registration is on-going. To register to vote, the person must be: A U.S citizen or U.S National; at least 18 years old by Election Day; and a resident of American Samoa for at least 2 years.
Any person qualified to and desiring to register as a qualified elector in any election may present himself/herself at any time during business hours to an election officer, then and there to be examined under oath as to his/her qualifications as a qualified elector.
Absent uniformed service members and overseas voters may register to vote in abstentia and vote in elections for the Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives.
In addition, absent uniformed service members, listing American Samoa as their home of record, may register to vote in abstentia and vote in local elections. Download and complete form EO-11 Absent Uniform Services Voter Registration for Local Offices available at
Documents needed to register to vote: Birth Certificate/U.S Passport; Social Security card: Photo ID from a Government Agency.