Seats available on NMSAS Advisory Council
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa Advisory Council is currently recruiting for the fishing seat and business/industry seat. The National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa Advisory Council provides the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries with advice and recommendations on the management of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa.
The advisory council is composed of 17 voting members and 8 non-voting members, who serve on a volunteer basis and represent a variety of local user groups, the public, and territorial and federal governmental jurisdictions.
Applications are due before or by July 1, 2019. Applications not received or postmarked by July 1 will not be considered.
For more information, including a copy of the application, please visit the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa Advisory Council Recruitment Webpage <> or contact Charity Porotesano at <> with questions.
The National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa Advisory Council actively recruits for new members when positions are available. Check our website frequently for updates on how you can help manage your underwater treasures!