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Today is deadline for qualified voters to register for Special Election


Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The Election Office reminds qualified voters for Representative District #1- Manu’a that today, Aug. 14 at 4:30p.m. is the deadline to register to vote for District #1 Special Election set for Sept. 12.

Local election law calls for the Election Office to provide an update listed of register voters to candidates after the voter registration deadline.

Tomorrow, Aug. 15, the Election Office will begin absentee voting for voters with a disability who will be unable to go to the polling stations to cast their ballots.

Voters with disabilities can contact the Election Office for assistance at 699-3570.

Another reminder for Representatives District #1 - Manu’a voters: local absentee voting for the Special Election began on Aug. 10 and is on-going. Only those registered voters who will be traveling outside the territory before the Sept. 12 Special Election are eligible to vote in absentia at the Election Office Hall in Tafuna.

As of last Saturday, total Absentee voting for those traveling is 2, according to Election officials, who noted that the Election Office has received — also as of last Saturday — two overseas/ outside absentee ballot requests for the Special Election.

The Election Office announced in July this year that it’s accepting requests for outside absentee ballots for uniformed service voters, overseas voters and students attending institutions of learning outside of American Samoa. The last day to request an outside absentee ballot is 4:30p.m. on Aug. 28, 2023.

To request an off island absentee ballot, go online to the Election Office website at and download and complete form EO-08 (Request for Absentee Ballot).

According to the Election Office, Uniformed Services voters and overseas voters (outside of the US and Territories) may instead use the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to request an absentee ballot.

Upon completion and certification of your request form, please submit the same to email address: or postal mail address to Election Office, P.O. Box 3970, Pago Pago, AS 96799. 

Any questions, call the Election Office at 699-3570.