Treasury releases 5th batch of tax refunds Friday
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — In a statement Thursday afternoon, ASG Treasurer Malemo Tausaga announced that the fifth batch of tax refunds — more than $760,00 — is scheduled for release Friday, Mar. 26th for the “remainder of tax payers who filed on Feb. 1st and numerous filers on Feb. 2nd.”
Samoa News notes that tax refund checks for batch #4 — released Mar. 19th — was for those who filed between Jan. 29 and Feb. 1st. However not everyone who filed Feb. 1st, got their refund check last week Friday.
For tax refund batch #5, the ASG Treasurer said that tax filers with mailing addresses will receive their checks in the mail, while those without mailing addresses can pick up their checks at the Treasury Disbursing Office on the ground floor of the A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building — where social distancing and wearing a face mask is encouraged.
A total of 436 taxpayers are covered in the 5th batch.
Of the total of $768,477 in tax refunds, $272,587 is paid from locally collected funds and $495,890 is from the Additional Child Tax Credit, which is funded by the US Internal Revenue Service.
If you are expecting a tax refund and did not receive it, visit the Tax Office and have the following documents on hand so that the Tax Office can provide service expeditiously:
• copy of your tax return
• a valid form of identification
• social security card — and also for the spouse if married filing jointly.