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Untimely passing of Port Admin director Chris King mourned

Chris King

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The Lemanu- Talauega Cabinet has lost one of its members. Port Administration director, Chris King, passed away Monday morning.

He was 56.

His sudden death came as a shock to many as Mr King was seen out and about last week during the government’s site visit at the Airport and Ports. He was also seen in church on Sunday.

King was appointed director last year January. He had been deputy director of Port Administration since 2005 and prior to that he was a special assistant to the Chief Executive Officer of the American Samoa Power Authority for 5 years.

He also served as a flight operations supervisor for United Parcel Service at Ontario International Airport for many years.

A devout Catholic, King was an active member of the church. A graduate of Marist he also served on the board of the Marist Brothers Crusaders Alumni Association.

In addition, he was an active member of the Lions Club. He served as President of the Club four times — stepping up when he was needed to lead the Lions in their commitment to community service. 

King was in charge of the Port of Pago Pago and the Pago Pago International Airport.

He is survived by his wife, Danielle and their two sons, Aiden and Baelin.

Samoa News offers its sincere condolences to the King family in these sad times.