Urgent travel advisory for Sept. 13th flight
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The ASG Emergency Operations Center in Tafuna has issued a reminder and important advisory for all outbound passengers traveling on Hawaiian Airlines’ flight on Monday, Sept. 13th — which is when commercial flights between Honolulu and Pago Pago resume.
According to the advisory, all passengers must comply with the State of Hawaii Safe Travels requirements. And travelers must meet one of two conditions to travel to Hawaii:
• ONE — Travelers must be FULLY vaccinated — Fully vaccinated means traveler has completed 14 full days since their last shot, they can travel on Day 15; OR
• TWO — If a traveler is NOT FULLY vaccinated, travelers must have a “negative” COVID PCR test 72 hours before travel.
Travelers “must also register on the HI Safe Travels website that also requires the completion of a health questionnaire, 24 hours before departure.”
The advisory says the Health Department’s Tafuna Health Clinic will be open for COVID testing, on Saturday, Sept. 11, and Sunday, Sept. 12, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Due to limited supplies, COVID tests will only be available for passengers going to Hawaii.
Additionally, vaccinations cards must be completed correctly and staff will be available to verify this on Saturday and Sunday at the Tafuna health clinic.