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Local News

A westside resident dealing with the destruction to his home. [THA]
Government assessment teams continue their post-storm damage assessments, but reports surfaced late yesterday that people are going to emergency shelters because they think they need to go to a shelter to qualify for Individual Assistance (IA). But the public is reminded that the IA teams — which...
A home on the westside damaged by Tropical Storm Gita. [THA]
More than a dozen American Red Cross disaster workers from the US are expected to arrive on island this week, to assist with the current staff on the ground, as Tutuila is in recovery mode following last Friday’s Tropical Storm Gita. But ahead of the storm, the American Samoa Red Cross American...
Paramount Chief Mauga T. Asuega [SN file phone]
The US Justice Department disagrees with Paramount Chief Mauga T. Asuega’s request for Maoputasi County to get a share of what ASG is proposed to receive in a civil penalty to be paid by StarKist Co., for violating federal and local environmental laws in territorial waters. “Since the American...
[photo: USCG]
This US Coast Guard photo shows USCG Cmdr. Ulysses Mullins, deputy sector commander Coast Guard Sector Honolulu; Lt. Tanner Stiehl, Marine Safety Detachment American Samoa supervisor; and Chief Warrant Officer Bryan Anderson, Coast Guard Sector Honolulu prevention, observing the diversion boom...
[SN file photo]
A 54-year-old uncle who was convicted by the High Court last month of providing drugs to his underage nephew who was a student at Tafuna High School during the time of this incident last year, was ordered by the court to depart the territory and to remain outside of its borders for the period of...
A family in Ili’ili learned after Tropical Storm Gita moved away last Friday afternoon that all kinds of trees blocked their access road and the trees also took down power lines to their house. As of yesterday, the family still has no electricity but is very thankful that there were no injuries or deaths in the two Samoas.  [courtesy photo]
As part of family clean ups around the island, following Tropical Storm Gita’s devastation, residents are burning debris — leaves, tree branches and other items — on their properties, with plumes of smoke drifting across the main highway from both sides, causing a driving hazard, as well as the...
A look at the South Pacific Watersports in Utulei as workers tried to cover the blown off roof from Tropical Storm Gita this past weekend. [photo: TG]
Tropical Storm Gita Restoration Update - February 13, 2018, 6pm POWER: - All Feeders (Primary lines) are energized except for areas wherepower poles and lines are down - Total of 8,400 out of 12,000 (70%) customers have power now - Masefau has power to most customers - Malaeloa has power to most...
The public is advised that Bank of Hawaii has issued TEMPORARY closure notice for Wednesday, February 14 due to their inability to connect to the telecommunications network as a result of damages caused by Hurricane Gita.  In the event telecommunications utility lines are restored sometime on...
Mangled roofing iron from houses was a familiar sight on the side of the road after Tropical Storm Gita swept through the territory this past weekend. Up to 80+ mph gusts of winds took down not just trees and roofs of houses, but also telephone and electric poles adding to the devastation.  [photo: TG]
While the American Samoa Power Authority continues to update the Territory on power and water supplies, there are families that are still living in the dark without electricity and without water after Tropical Storm Gita. Speaking to Samoa News yesterday, Alesana Mikaele, a 45-year-old from Pago...
A man in Fagaalu navigating a flooded sidewalk area last week Friday — a typical sight during the aftermath of Tropical Storm Gita that hit the territory last Friday, followed up by a monsoon trough that dumped buckets of rain with high winds throughout the weekend.  [photo: TG]
More than 900 local residents were housed at eleven emergency shelters island-wide due to Tropical Storm Gita, as of late Monday afternoon, according to data released yesterday morning by the ASG Emergency Operations Center (EOC). And Lt. Gov. Lemanu Peleti Mauga reconfirmed to Samoa News early...
