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Local News

BARJA SENTENCE TO 28 MONTHS A 19-year-old man, described by the prosecutor, as the “leader” of a three-member group, who broke into Tafuna High School at least three times, has been sentenced by the High Court to 28 months imprisonment as a condition of his seven-year probation. Matthew Barja’s...
The Lolo and Lemanu Administration will be holding their first cabinet meeting this Friday for the new year and it’s mandatory that those who head the departments, agencies and authorities to attend — not their staff, said Chief of Staff, Fiu Johnny Saelua, in a general memorandum issued by the...
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Despite efforts over the past years to reduce the cost of water, the American Samoa Power Authority faces the critical problem of replacing an old and leaking water system, says Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga, who noted efforts continue to deter residents from using the village water system. The...
Tina Fonoimoana Reid poses with her samples of koko Samoa brownies with different toppings. Tina will be opening her new dessert business in Nuuuli as a one-stop location for people to pick up their koko Samoa brownies or dine in. She is the recipient of the Bank of Hawaii $5,000 Small Business Grant Awards.  [photo: Ese Malala]
Brownies come in all varieties — with nuts, caramel, swirled with cream cheese, shot through with mint, snickers or fruit filling, sprinkled with chocolate chips, spiked with espresso, or just plain chocolate in a million variations — including a taste of our island the koko Samoa. Tina Fonoimoana...
A nine-year old boy took the stand, yesterday morning, during the jury trial of his father, Mataupu Mamona, to tell the jury of what he had witnessed when his father allegedly his mother. Mamona is facing charges of second-degree murder, assault in the first degree, making false reports and two...
Chairman of the Hospital Board, Filifa’atali Mike Fuiava has confirmed that the hospital is looking at going solar for its energy needs, and had signed a “binding agreement” with the Hawaii Unified Services (HUS) LLC “for their (HUS) tax credit purposes” — but it’s still in the works for the time...
MOSEGI SOLIA JR The High Court last Friday sentenced Mosegi Solia Jr., to serve 20 years imprisonment for two separate cases. In the first case, Solia Jr., pled guilty last year to violating a provision of the territory’s Medicine and Drug law - under Title 13, Chapter 10 of the American Samoa Code...
In a brief statement yesterday afternoon, Acting ASG Treasurer Ueligitone P. Tonumaipea has “postponed indefinitely” the effective date of the proposed changes in computing the 5% excise tax it currently levies on all goods for sale or commercial use coming into the Territory. As previously...
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The Department of Commerce statistics division has issued the final report on the Household Income and Expenditures Survey (HIES) that was conducted in April 2015. In a statement issued yesterday afternoon, the DOC says the HIES report will be used to devise a new market basket for the revised...
Happier Times: Leeann and her late husband, Iosefa Elia, who died on Saturday, January 114, 2017, when he was electrocuted, while working on a construction project for his employer, Manu’a’s Store. He was the first of the three men who died from the tragic accident.  [Courtesy Photo]
“Live, love, cherish each and every moment you have with the ones you love, for you may never know what tomorrow brings and it may be their or your last days,” was the plea from Leeann Lam Yuen-Elia, who is still trying to come to terms with the passing of her husband, Iosefa “Sefa” Elia. An...
