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Our Troops

Nani Lani Faumoliga
Congratulations Nani Lani Faumoliga on completing your Advanced Individual Training in the U.S. Military. [courtesy photo]
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Sons and daughters of American Samoa continue to serve their country by enlisting in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.  Here are the latest: PFC FINAU SIUTITI KAUVALU PFC Finau Siutiti Kauvalu completed her graduation from the United States Marine Corps on October 25,...
Private First Class (PFC) Peresia Maeataanoa
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Private First Class (PFC) Peresia Maeataanoa recently completed her Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Gregg-Adams in Prince George County, Virginia. With her training behind her, she is preparing to report to her new unit at Fort Wainwright in Alaska, where she...
Lance Cpl. Logovii Sialoi is honor graduate
Congratulations to Lance Cpl. Logovii Sialoi, the Honor Graduate out of 526 new Marines of Echo Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, who graduated from Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, Oct. 18, 2024. Graduation took place at the completion of the 13-week transformation which included...
Airman Puailangia Fuimaono
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Airman Puailangia Fuimaono happily graduated from basic training at the Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, on October 10, 2024. Airman Fuimaono is the eldest daughter of Allen and Angelgloria Fuimaono of Tafuna, Fatumafuti, Afao and Fagasā. She is the eldest...
Vincent M.J. Laupola with family members
Vincent M.J. Laupola successfully completed his basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Bexar County, Texas. A graduate of the Fa'asao-Marist class of 2024, Vincent is the son of Tauapai and Maria Laupola, of Afonotele and Fagamalo. Vincent attributes his accomplishments to his grandfather, Loa...
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The tryouts for the US Navy Volleyball Team for Men and Women were conducted in Mayport, Florida this year, resulting in the selection of five individuals from American Samoa to join the All-Navy Volleyball Team. The selected players include: — Pauline Von Dinklage-Mapu...
Private Jacqueline Musuva Leva’a and family members
Private Jacqueline Musuva Leva’a completed Basic Combat Training (BCT) recently as a Charlie Battery 1-31 Field Artillery Battalion member at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. A graduate of the Nu'uuli Vocational Technical High School Class of 2023, she is the daughter of Siaosi Leva'a of Tufutafoe, Savai'i,...
Ft Moore privates
On September 12, 2024, Private First Class Aigafealofani Stevens and Private First Class CJ West successfully completed the U.S. Army Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Moore, Georgia. Congratulations to PFC Stevens and PFC West on their significant...
future Airman Victoria Ausage
Congratulations future Airman Victoria Ausage for successfully entering the Air Force Delayed Entry Program-Hawaii. She is a spring 2024 graduate of ASCC and a mom. Way to represent Ili’Ili, American Samoa & the United States of America. Oute fa’afeiloa’ia atu oe ile matou ‘au! [courtesy photo]
