Yazaki offering Transitional Support Package to all 750 of its employees
Courses will be offered at the University of the South Pacific (USP), Australian Pacific Technical College (APTC) and the National University of Samoa (NUS) for more than 700 Yazaki employees to prepare them for future job opportunities after their current employer Yazaki EDS Samoa shuts down next year. This was made known during a presentation at the Samoa Association Manufacturers & Exporters (SAME) members meeting held last week. Conducting the presentation was Yazaki Samoa General Manager Funefe’ai Oliva Va’ai.
Last month, Samoa’s biggest employer announced they are closing their production operations.
During the presentation, members of SAME were informed that Yazaki is offering a Transitional Support Package (TSP) and this is for all 750 employees in preparation for the types of job opportunities they want to pursue when the company does close down next year.
During the presentation, Funefe’ai said Yazaki’s focus now after serving in Samoa for 25 years is to give something back to their employees who have helped in the success of the business and this is through their TSP. He explained that aside from the TSP that’s being offered the employee in addition he or she would receive incentives.
“Every employee at Yazaki has a package that will include an acknowledgement letter from the company’s President in Japan, and an encouragement for them to stay on until the company closes.” Although it’s unclear as to what month in 2017 the company will close, Funefe’ai said that there would be one-on-one interviews with each of the employees with the management where there will be discussion or assistance with what the TSP has to offer the employee.
He explained the TSP has information on a variety of courses and training the employees can choose from. He further stated during his presentation the courses would offer Basic Life Skills Programs to Introductory Courses and Workshops to train and refresh knowledge “on fundamental skills required to enhance everyday life in the village.”
According to Funefeai the programs offered include sewing, organic farming, vegetable gardening and Samoan printing and following their survey a majority of the employees are looking at learning about sewing.
Yazaki’s Assistant Manager for Human Resource, Papalii Tate Simi pointed out the package offered is a great deal in return for the hard work by their employees and their commitment to the company. He also noted the family bond that Yazaki has with their employees is unbreakable hence the move to offer them the TSP in addition to the incentives.
Following the presentation, SAME President Tagaloa Eddie Wilson commended Yazaki EDS Samoa for their commitment and compassion towards their employees by offering them future options.