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samoa bowl 2023

samoa bowl 2023 football action
A look at some of the Samoa Bowl action that was held this past Saturday evening at the Veterans Memorial Stadium — the battle between Team Tutuila (red) and Team Manu’a (blue) which concluded with a Manu’a victory of 26 - 0. [photo: Tony Gasu]
volleyball awards
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Hats off and a big Faamalo to all the Samoa Bowl Volleyball Teams that participated, players, coaches, parents, game officials and all the supporters. Best Blocker: Malinah Purcell-Telefoni (Westcoast) Best Out-side Hitter: Suli Davis (Midwest) Best Right-side Hitter:...
Samoa Bowl church service
Samoa Bowl 2023 ended with a church service at the CCCAS Pago Pago Church and immediately after a farewell luncheon was held at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium for players, officials, organizers and hosts. The "Back to the Roots" themed 2023 Samoa Bowl football competition had Team Manu’a and Team...
A West Coast player about to spike the ball
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The Samoa Bowl, which has been dormant since 2016 has been revived thanks to the Lemanu/ Talauega Administration and it started off with a bang at the Department of Youth and Women's Affairs (DYWA) gymnasium yesterday with volleyball round-robin action between two local...
Samoa Bowl selection ceremony
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The Governor’s office introduced the Samoa Bowl Teams of Tutuila and Manua, yesterday, Thursday, December 7, 2023, at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium in Utulei. The place was packed with some 90 local Star players, along with their coaches , parents, relatives and friends...