Cool Stuff: Kevon Williams, USA Eagles 7s
Honolulu, HAWAII — After more than 30 years shooting rugby, there is some memorable imagery that gets etched in the brain.
Cool Stuff still tears up reviewing my Baby Jonah Lomu photos at his 1994 Hong Kong 7s debut. What great pride we all shared watching Alafoti Fa’osaliva score the winning try with time expired to win the 2012 USA 7s in Las Vegas, which Cool Stuff only got to shoot from the back. Cool Stuff also got to witness and shoot superhuman performances by Gregan, Serevi, Campesi, DJ Forbes, Eric Rush, and the Fiji 7s Voodo Magic Teams of all eras... anytime… everywhere.
Registered with all the memorable flashbacks is the sweet moment with USA Eagle Kevon Williams and his kids. It was not a huge earthshaking moment. It was a subtle moment that defined the unique family culture of rugby.
Cool Stuff delayed sending Kevon the photo because the Grim Reaper tried to intervene. After the Canada 7s and before the Hong Kong 7s Cool Stuff was admitted to Queen’s Hospital, Honolulu with 104 degree four-day fever and yellow eyes and skin. Yes, Cool Stuff is now the new poster boy for jaundice.
So $60,000 bill later, with surgical removal of the gall bladder, Cool Stuff crawled into Hong Kong Stadium, shook Kevon’s hand just to confirm Death lost... and he would get his precious photos.
Kevon’s follow up note shares the special relationship of rugby players and we in the media. It’s just a real happy feeling to support that down home fale fa’a-aiga spirit.
Kevon Williams' note:
“Truly appreciate the picture... this will go in a picture frame and be remembered for years to come.
Thank You,
Kevon Williams
USA Eagles 7s”
See you Kevon for more magic moments in Singapore. See you Coolios on the front page of the Samoa News, Sports section.