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District Governor Fai’ivae re-elected for fifth term as president of FFAS

2024 FFAS Executive Committee
Source: FFAS- Media

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — District Governor Fai’ivae Iuli Alex Godinet was re-elected for his fifth term as president of the Football Federation American Samoa Ordinary Congress 2024, held at the Pago Field Office.

The Congress was attended by the officers of the 11 Club Members of the FFAS and special guest FIFA Regional Development Officer David Firisua, who was present to witness the Congress Elections while meeting with the FFAS President regarding ongoing projects needing FIFA support.

Fai’ivae and the Executive Committee ran unopposed via voting rights eligibility. However, two more members must fill seats vacated over the last four-year term.

The newly elected members are Ben Sauvao of Black Roses and Uikelotu Tua of Vaiala Tonga Clubs, who will join re-elected Sandra Fruean of Pansa, Sen. Fano Mitch Shimasaki of Green Bay, Amio Mavaega-Luvu of Lion Heart and Silasila Samuelu of Pago Youth Clubs.

Fai’ivae has been the president of FFAS since 2008. In his address to Congress, the newly re-elected President emphasized the need to work together while prioritizing the youth of American Samoa. He stated, “Not only the development of our players but also for us to focus on our youth.”

Firisua reiterated the FFAS President's sentiments of how vital our “Clubs” senior leadership is to the development of our children.

He added, “Football is to set regulations and governance framework. However, it means nothing without you (senior leadership/ clubs).”

The ceremony concluded with the distribution to each Club represented at the Congress of new uniforms for the players and coaches, including soccer balls, cones, and goalposts. The presentation was led by FFAS president Fai’ivae, and distribution by CEO Tavita Taumua.

President Fai’ivae closed the event by thanking everyone in attendance and praising CEO Taumua for his longstanding service, commitment, and strong leadership.

He concluded, “Finally, thank you to the staff. We consider them to be the backbone of this Association.”