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Le Taupou Manaia Dance Academy

Le Taupou Manaia dancer
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Le Taupou Manaia Dance Academy opened the Utah Pacific Fashion show in Salt Lake City on July 29, displaying their  “American Samoa line of Siapo Mamanu.” Unique designs of the siapo mamanu were made famous by American Samoa’s renowned siapo (tapa) artist, the late Mrs....
Dancers of various ages with the Le Taupou Manaia Dance Academy
Dancers of various ages with the Le Taupou Manaia Dance Academy performed on Wednesday night at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium during their “Alo o Tamaita’i” final performance of the year. [courtesy photo]
Taupou Manaia dancers
The beautiful young ladies of “Le Taupou Manaia Dance Academy, O Alo Tama’ita’i” as they prepare for their End of the Year Show which took place the evening of Dec. 29th at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Auditorium. The show was streamed live through the sponsorship of Bluesky Communications. [courtesy photo]
Tiara Drabble receiving gifts from Cost-U-Less
Tiara Drabble (left) receives two gifts from a Cost-U-Less employee for the Le Taupou Manaia Dance Academy “Toys & Joy Drive for Samoa” on Wednesday. Cost-U-Less is one of the drop off locations for the drive to help bring holiday joy to children and those affected by measles in Samoa.  [photo...