September 2023
Faatulaga e le Faigamalo, Setema aso 4, amata ai sailiga fesoasoani mo Maui i Hawaii
Pago Pago -
Samoan climate activist welcomes UN's recognition of children's rights
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND — A young Samoan climate activist says the UN's new guidance on children's rights to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is "the first step to global change"
Fishery status report for Am Samoa shows catches of albacore up while bottom fish at low levels
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (WPRFMC) has issued the 2022 Status of Fisheries in the Western Pacific Region.
DoH says it’s same old story when it comes to school maintenance
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Department of Education Director Taulauega Dr.
$4m reported scammed out of hospital funds
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — President Tuaolo Manaia Fruean has queried the role of the Department of Treasury in what became a scam involving hospital funds.
USDOL proposes restoring OT for many salaried employees
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The US Labor Department (USDOL) is proposing to increase the “special salary level” to $890 per week for salaried workers—who are considered exempt ‘white colla
The dog problem of too many strays, and too many roaming dogs requires a community effort to fix, and once under control will benefit all of American Samoa. Including safe walks in the