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Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson
Apia, SAMOA — Pacific journalist, Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson has written a searching examination in The Guardian newspaper of what climate change threatens to take away from the Pacific community in general and from Samoans in particular and she has addressed this in a podcast series available...
Graphic show possible extent of flooding as climate change advances
Honolulu, HAWAII — Dramatic new visualizations show the potential impacts of rising sea levels on cities worldwide, including Downtown Honolulu, with much of Oahu’s urban core underwater if the world continues on its “current carbon path” and sees 3 degrees Celsius in global warming. The...
Man walking through the bush with a string of fish over his sholder
Nouméa, NEW CALEDONIA — Ahead of the world’s climate change conference — COP 26 — scheduled to begin Oct 31, the recent Pacific Conference on Climate Change (7-8 October) aimed at enhancing climate resilience ambition in the Indo-Pacific region. Dr Paula Vivili, Pacific Community’s (SPC) Deputy...
Pacific climate activists demonstrate outside
Milan, ITALY — The Pacific is making a desperate plea to the world's wealthy nations: Step up and deliver on your promises to fight the global climate crisis. The call comes as climate ministers hold final talks before a key UN conference in Glasgow next month. One of the biggest issues holding up...
Dear Editor,   Is it true that a windmill farm consisting of 10 giant windmills (each over 300 feet tall) is going to be built in the primary rain forest behind Aoloau, Leone, Asili, and Fagamalo villages and that the access road will begin in Tafeta and run through several family’s properties and...
Keith Gebauer
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Infrastructure project proposals for funding under American Samoa’s share of the $479 million federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 will be required to comply with a provision of the statute addressing climate change, says ASG’s ARPA Oversight Office executive...
Fiame Naomi Mata'afa
Apia, SAMOA — Samoa's prime minister has put climate change and ocean protection to the fore in a speech to the United Nations. Fiame Naomi Mata'afa told the 76th UN General Assembly in New York that there was no greater challenge facing the global community than climate change - including its...
Two seawalls
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Seen in these two photos are (right) the carapace wall in Sailele, built by McConnell Dowell over 15 years ago and (left) the latest endeavor by the Department of Public Works to protect the coastal shoreline in Lauli’i, which seems to be just a ‘quick’ fix with no long...
World Bank logo
Honolulu, HAWAII — The World Bank’s second Groundswell report estimates 216 million people could be displaced by 2050, across six regions, due to climate change. A newly released World Bank report has predicted climate change could displace 48.4 million in the Pacific and East Asia by 2050. Water...
Ice sheet in Antarctica
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA — A major new report published last week by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) contained grave warnings on where Earth’s climate is headed. So what happens if humanity doesn’t get its act together? How bad could climate change actually get? The IPCC report...
