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Rehearsals for the Miss Pacific Islands pageant opening number are in full swing with the contestants putting in the work as they prepare for the big night. The reigning Miss Pacific Islands, Moemoana Schwenke, along with her parents and team — including Maryjane Mckibbin-Schwenke Miss South...
What is Life History of a Fish? Leone High School Science class led by teacher Tautasi Falanai are learning first hand from DMWR fisheries assistant biologist Sean Felise and key reef technician Pemerika Mahuka. [courtesy photo]
The Solomon Islands National University (SINU) welcomed the reigning Miss Pacific Islands, Moemoana Schwenke (center back row with crown), along with the eight contestants vying for the next Miss Pacific Crown, during its Orientation Week. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic, Dr. Eric Katovai (center...
Sherry Ho Chee, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (CCCP) Manager; Aomalu Logovii, Outreach Coordinator; and Faiva Iosefa, Administrative Assistant. The CCCP is a vital part of the territory’s public health efforts, addressing the growing burden of cancer in our community. Contact them at 699-...
Congratulations Major Galoia & The Tafuna Robotics Team 21111a — The new 8th Brigade Vex Robotics Tournament champions and winner of the prestigious excellence award. [courtesy photo]
Fa’afetai tele to these Seniors from the Home of the Mighty Lions for visiting the only certified LEED Platinum Green Building in American Samoa. Shoutout to Instructor Falana’i for engaging and teaching your students on the importance of being stewards of the environment. [courtesy photo]
The 16th Season for the American Youth Football of Samoa (AYFS) for 2025 kicked off on Saturday, January 25th, 2025, at the Veterans Memorial Stadium. In attendance for this special occasion were the Lt. Governor Pulumataala Ae Ae Jr., in his position as Acting Governor, members of the AYFS, proud...
Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata and Governor Pulaali’i Nikolao Pula pictured in the DC congressional office. Following a busy Inauguration Day, they were able to discuss issues and hold meetings together with various groups. Thank you especially to representatives from Star-Kist for a meeting to...
The American Samoa Visitors Bureau team proudly represented our beautiful islands at the Travel & Adventure Show in New York City, this past weekend. These trade shows are an incredible opportunity to showcase American Samoa’s unique culture, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality to...
Funkfit “Fittest on the Rock” competition took place this past weekend at the DYWA building in Tafuna showcasing the talent of athletes from the two Samoa. [courtesy photo]