Virus hits Hawaii & Pac Islanders hardest: 1-in-4 deaths in Hawai‘i
Honolulu, HAWAII — A mother contracted COVID-19 and was forced to quarantine in a tiny one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. Her small children and other relatives, including kupuna (elders) forced to remain in the living room. There were 12 of them; and to make it worse, the bathroom was in the bedroom.
This dire situation is common for our Samoan, Marshallese, and Micronesian communities. They are less than 4% of Hawai‘i’s population but a whopping 27% of COVID-19 cases. As of October 30, the same people groups account for 58 deaths of the 218 in Hawai‘i due to COVID-19. That’s 27%, in other words one in four COVID-19 deaths are Native Islanders, a stunning tragedy.
“We’re scrambling on many levels for help, answers and much-needed resources,” said Dr. Tina Tauasosi-Posiulai of the Pacific Islander Hawai‘i COVID-19 Response Team. “But with a resilient spirit of aloha, we are fighting back!”
“I’m shocked that our native people are dying for lack of resources right here in America, right here in Hawai‘i!” added team member, Tony “Da Braddahs” Silva. “This is a call to everyone to come together to lōkahi and laulima, to work together for the lives of our island ‘ohana!”
And that’s exactly what has happened as a dozen different organizations and non-profits related to Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders have collaborated to produce PSAs in native languages, social media posts, and now an epic 3-hour concert to promote awareness, advocacy and action. “Pasefika Su‘i Fefiloi” Virtual Concert is on November 21, 2020 with all-stars Rebel SoulJahz, Josh Tatofi, Kapena, John Akapo and “Da Braddahs.” It will be live-streamed on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube and available free to all islanders worldwide.
WHAT: “Pasefika Su‘i Fefiloi” Virtual Concert
WHEN: Saturday, November 21, 2020 @ 4:30-8 PM
WHERE: Virtual on Facebook @DaBraddahsHI