ASG is up to date with its subsidies paid to the American Samoa Community College, this is contrary to our previous article titled "ASCC audit report shows two years of missing ASG subsidies" published on 3 June, 2022.
The Audit report by the Moss Adams Auditors Company based in the U.S. mainland, and covering the financial year 2020, obtained by Samoa News, indicated that due from American Samoa Government consists of the remaining balance of legislative annual appropriations and exchange of services contract that have not been received.
“There was no balance due at September 30, 2020.”
However elsewhere in the report it states the College received $2.61 million and $1.71 million of general fund and tobacco tax appropriations, respectively, from the American Samoa Government for the year ended September 30, 2020.
Deputy Director of Treasury Department, Levi Reese told Samoa News their subsidy payments are up to date, referring to the 2020 subsidy.
Samoa News apologizes for the inadvertent error.